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ADHD Groups


Now enrolling! ADHD Support & Skills Group for College Students: This 6 week online group is designed specifically for college students with ADHD who are looking for practical strategies, support, and a space where they truly feel seen and understood. Tentatively scheduled to meet for 1 hour on Fridays at 11am CT starting October 25th, but group schedule can be modified based on interested participants' availability, so don't hesitate to reach out!

Get started or learn more by filling out this brief form:

Why groups?

Do you ever notice the difference when you are in a social situation with only other neurodivergent people? It is like your whole nervous system can relax, at least a little bit. The weight of masking comes off your shoulders and things start to feel lighter. Or you may have had the experience of meeting someone new and you click instantly, like your whole brain lights up talking to them, only to later learn they also have ADHD and think, “Oh well that explains that!”

Being around people whose brains work like ours, after a lifetime of often feeling our brains are broken, can be deeply healing in any setting. My hope is that when you come to these groups focused on helping each other to understand, work with, optimize, and love your ADHD brain, it can also be transformational.

 So what exactly are you signing up for?

Our small group of 5-8 ADHDers will meet weekly via Zoom for 6 weeks. Each session will focus on a common struggle area of ADHD, such as motivation, overwhelm/avoidance, and rejection sensitivity dysphoria. I’ll provide some education as well as strategies that I have seen work to get us started. Then it’s your turn! Each member will have the (optional!) opportunity to share where they might be stuck and frustrated in this area. In response, they will get a mix of tailored coaching from me, brilliant creative ideas from other group members who have previously done battle with the same obstacle, and so much “oh my god I thought that was just me” validation. My goal is for you to leave these sessions armed with new ADHD tools you don’t hate, feeling deeply seen, glowing from offering ideas and support to others, confident in your ability to reach your goals, and filled with love and compassion for your unique self.

Are you burned out on trying?

Let’s be honest-there are a LOT of barriers to making consistent change when you have ADHD. It is exhausting and sometimes demoralizing to keep trying. This program is not immune to these barriers, but we will address them. I sincerely believe you will come out the other side with more confidence and hopefulness about your ability to take on any challenge as well as less shame when things don’t go according to plan.


Fees are $75/session for 6 weeks and can be paid weekly or in full. If you are interested in joining a group, please reach out by the methods listed below. In an effort to achieve a solid small group experience, start dates are determined as groups fill and are not yet set.

If you are thinking, “But I am motivated to do something this second and who knows how long that will last?!”, I definitely hear you. I would be happy to meet with you for individual coaching in the meantime so we can get started right away.

How to get started or learn more:

If you would like to set up a 15 minute phone consult to learn more, please navigate to the “Scheduling” tab at the top of this page and click “Consult call for new clients” for direct access to my calendar to schedule a call. You can also email me at to ask questions or be added to my list.

A bit about my why:

I am a therapist with ADHD who specializes in working with other ADHDers. One of the things I think the most when I meet with my clients is that one or more of them are experiencing such similar things at the same time, yet they feel so alone and isolated in these challenges. I find myself thinking that if only they could meet, they might start to see themselves in a different light too.

I also believe the people I work with are some of the most vibrant, interesting, funny, and creative humans out there, but they are often blind to their own light because sometimes they forget appointments or spend an entire work day in absolute task paralysis or their brain is telling them they said an unforgivably weird thing at dinner the other night.

I get so excited about sharing strategies that make living with ADHD easier and more fun, but I get even more excited about the creative adaptations my clients take from these strategies to make them their own. These groups are an opportunity to learn from each other as we discuss what works, rethink your perception of what is “wrong” with you, and realize how not alone you actually are.